Yona’s Mayan Grill

Blue Creek Village is a small Mayan village of Mopan and Kekchi heritage in the Mayan heartland. The community lies along flat roads, spanning both sides of Blue Creek. Clusters of thatch huts border both sides of Blue Creek, a beautiful, clear stream emerging from the surrounding thick jungle.

In one of these homes you’ll find Yona’s Mayan Grill. Yona’s offers traditional Mayan food, cooked on the firehearth since electricity (and telephone) services are not yet reliably available in this rustic place. Yona’s uses local traditional seasonal Mayan ingredients such as cohune cabbage and bread fruits.

Having something to eat at Yona’s is a truly interactive experience, as Yona and Vince, the proud owners of the Grill, explain, smilingly:

“Since we are a family restaurant and we regard our guests as close relatives, we like to bring our visitors into our kitchen when we make food and corn tortillas so that they can see and experience first-hand how things are made; they can have a go with the tortillas for themselves if they want to. It looks very easy, but our guests are always a little upset when they put their tortilla on the firehearth and it falls to pieces. They make all sorts of shapes and sizes in tortilla, so we keep going until about their 4th or 5th attempt when they make a good round tortilla. They are always happy to eat the food they have helped to make. “

Blue Creek Village (first known as Rio Blanco) is surrounded by the rainforest and offers many hiking and exploration opportunities. Wildlife is abundant and the chances of seeing animals such as wild river otters or kinkajous are pretty good. Combine a nice hike and a jump in the crystal-clear waters of Blue Creek with a meal at Yona’s Mayan Grill.

Experience of a life time!

How to book:
Prior booking via phone a day ahead of time is advised.
+501 621 1063

Work Address

Address : Blue Creek Village, Toledo
GPS : 16.27472329,-88.5695547
Telephone : 5016211063
Email : vinceical@gmail.com

Opening Hours

Monday : 10:00AM – 3:00PM

Tuesday : 10:00AM – 3:00PM

Wednesday : 10:00AM – 3:00PM

Thursday : 10:00AM – 3:00PM

Friday : 10:00AM – 3:00PM

Saturday : 10:00AM – 3:00PM
Blue Creek Village, Toledo